The game is changing...

We understand the innovation ecosystem intimately and advise on product launches daily.

We transform your Product Launch

We help you navigate your product launch in a crowded, competitive world.

We connect you to partners

We leverage our vast regional network to get you in front of customers and investors.

We focus on tangible results

We help setup target KPIs and make sure we achieve them together.

Tech & Product Due Diligence

Leverage our experience as successful tech founders to evaluate your next investment.

We assist corporations, venture capital firms, and angel investors with their technology investment due diligence.

Founder Capability Evaluation

A founder's ability to execute has never been more vital. We evaluate entrepreneurs based on their technical aptitude, industry knowledge, and fortitude.

Tech Product Evaluation

Although founders improve their products as they evolve, it's vital to evaluate the product's current architecture, security, and technical debt and identify problem areas that could stifle growth.

Competitive Landscape Report

We leverage our ecosystem partners to identify competitive products and services, as well as emerging technological trends that could pose a risk to the startup.

Scaling & Market Analysis

We evaluate the startup's GTM strategy and validate the product's bottom-up market size. We also examine the scope and severity of the GTM plan's assumptions.

We help empower innovation

We've been lucky enough to work with some of the top companies in the region, and we'd love for you to join the list.

Innovation Initiative

At Tajawoz, we aim to encourage and nurture the innovation ecosystem in the region. We believe that the next big tech company is on the horizon and aim to have positively impacted 500,000 entrepreneurs on their journeys by 2030.

We are actively involved in regional acceleration programs, events, and government initiatives.

If you are:

  • An Acceleration or Venture Program for Startups
  • Technology or Innovation Event
  • A Startup with no more than Series A funding
  • A Venture Capital firm
  • Investor looking to diversify into Tech
Let us help!

Let's talk Innovation!

Let us exceed your expectations with our passion for your customers!

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We are excited to work with you!

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Sun to Thu, 9AM - 5PM

+973 13309999

Get in touch with us and let's chat about your next project and how to reach its full potential.

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